That's probably because you installed (or tried to install) a cracked version of Abaqus in the past. When you do so, you modify the way sockets created by Abaqus access the DNS service (so that the license isn't checked), and these changes also affect sockets that connect different programs within Abaqus. (In this case Abaqus/PDE and Abaqus/CAE.) That's why you get that "getaddrinfo failed" message. (getaddrinfo is a function of the Python module socket.)
Install Cracked Abaqus
What I did to solve this issue was to uninstall the version of Abaqus I had, restart my computer in safe mode, delete the folder C:\SIMULIA, restart again in normal mode and install my version of Abaqus again. I have to say that PDE will never connect to CAE if you use a cracked version of Abaqus.
In general, offshore structures can be designed for installation either in protected waters or in the open sea such as lakes, rivers, bays and many kilometers from shorelines. These structures may be made of steel, reinforced concrete or a combination of both. However, due to the inherent ductility available in appropriately manufactured steel, steel structures become one of the most popular types of structures for resisting dynamic loading conditions such as earthquake and wave loading.
Sustainable development of renewable energy sources requires decreasing photovoltaic (PV) energy generation prices in all aspects[1].[2] A critical step towards this goal is to reduce the installation costs of PV power plants[3].[4] Considering conventional PV modules[5],[6] which currently use commercially available aluminum frames shown in Fig. 1, a noticeable portion of installation costs will be allocated to the connection of PV module to racking system using clamps or other methods[7][8].[9]
In the literature, there have been some research articles addressing PV frames performance under a mechanical loads. In the real world conditions, some situations such as snow accumulation imposes severe loading threatening integrity of PV modules by breaking glass cover and solar cells.[16] Also considerable defects created under mechanical loads such as micro-cracks should be considered[17].[18] Seminal contribution were made by Wohlgemuth et al.[19] in 2008 when they have developed a test procedure to evaluate cracked cells in PV modules. Chen et al.[20] in the same year used Abaqus software for finite element method (FEM) analysis (FEA) to measure residual stress in the silicon solar cells. They found that reducing wafer thickness causes an increase in residual stress and bow. Pingel et al.[21] in 2009 found similar results and evaluated the mechanical stability of solar cells considering the cell thickness, cell interconnection technology, and cell supplier using some industry accepted standards such as analyzing IV curves and electroluminescence images. They found that decreasing solar cells thickness could reduce the stability of solar cells significantly. Following the previous study, Burn et al.[22] proposed a method for analyzing the fracture of crystalline silicon wafers during the handling and transportation process by analyzing the wafer's overall stress state by measuring the deformation of wafer and doing non-linear finite element method (FEM) analysis. They showed that according with the linear elastic fracture mechanics hypothesis, solar cell wafer breakage stress during the handling and transpiration process is proportional to the inverse of the square root of the crack length.
Industry makes a variety of PV module mounting solutions, usually including a frame of metallic beams with a second frame of beams positioned perpendicular to the first beam layer. The most used mounting system in PV industry is comprised a base aluminum structure including prefilled bars which are screwed to the aluminum S shaped clamps, holding the top face of module frame profile so that it brings the frame's lower side into frictional contact with the profiled bar as stated in Fig.2.[31] Although currently using PV mounting systems provide reliable safety for PV panels installations, they are complex to setup. The mounting system defines the boundary conditions for FEA. Schicker et al.[31] mentioned that FEM result can be significantly impacted by the boundary conditions. They[31] employed various simplified estimations in FEM on the real clamping of PV modules to simulate the deformation of the module and, consequently, the value of stress-strain in the solar cells and compared the results to some experimental findings. They[31] found that especially weak modules, such as thin frame and thin glass plate, exhibit a remarkable dependence of cell stresses on the FE model's boundary conditions and small variations of stress may result in massively higher values of stressors. Finally the authors[31] concluded that three primary contributing factors could be important in stiffening a PV module and reducing its deflections as well as stresses, which are glass thickness, the frame stiffness, and the laminate embedment depth in the frame.Deflections and stresses of the module are highly dependent on the stiffness behaviour of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA). 2ff7e9595c